Monday, September 21, 2009

Task Two

What is the purpose of curriculum and what role do we have as teachers in this purpose? The purpose of curiculum is to give teachers a guide line to what is important to be taught and how is would be best taught in the right environment. I believe the role of curriculum is different in every school and the role as teachers towards curriculum is different in every school. In my first year of teaching I was not given a curriculum program, book or topic pacing guide and was told to teach high school algebra and geometry. This was very different from where I am teaching now and hae access to many different curriculum programs.

How much control do we have in the designing of curriculum? How much should we have? As a special educator I have a lot to do with the designing of the curriculum in my classroom. I am able to look at what the students in my classroom need to move forward in their education and create lessons that will best meet their academic needs and hopefully interest them. I think we should have a lot of control in the designing of curriculum especially in special education.

Ho does the curriculum that you have look like in your classrooms in a day to day environment? In my classroom we have many different curriculum and intervention programs to choose from. I teach all of the math in the MMD unit in my building and have assess to pull materials from the everyday math, number worlds and V-math curriculum. This year we are trying the V-math program and supplementing the other curriculum when we feel the students need extra practice or another way of looking at a math concept. I also pull a lot of materials from the internet and use many computer intervention programs. I feel very blessed to be in a teaching position where i am able to be flexiable and have the resources to pull the best curriculum for each of my studnets.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Leman also commented on the need to have some flexibility as you need to adapt the curriculum to meet many diverse needs and make this relevant. I think this is wonderful and should be a model for all teachers--not just those who teach special education. Every class has diverse learners--although maybe not as obvious in some settings. I think we can all learn from how you all adapt and modify curriculum to the group of learners that you have. I think that this really speaks to the flexibility that Karim talks about in his blog.
